AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

How to Ensure Great Heating Efficiency This Season

Monday, October 25th, 2021

When the temperatures drop and you need to start using your heater again, it’s likely that you’d like to spend as little as possible on your energy needs, right? Heating systems do take up a large portion of energy and fuel. In fact, an electric HVAC system can account for half of all your energy use in your home.

Fortunately, there are some pretty simple steps you can take to improve heating efficiency, and therefore spend less this fall and winter. Read on to learn what they are.

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Gas Vs. Electric: Which Type of Furnace Is More Efficient?

Monday, February 15th, 2021

We’re going to make an educated guess here and say that if you’re in the market for a new furnace installation this time of the year, then you’re probably in a bit of a rush. But, we have to discourage you from making this decision too quickly. It’s one you want to take time on, otherwise you could wind up with a heating system that is not properly matched to your specific needs and household. Therefore, it won’t work as efficiently as you expect or need it to.

About that efficiency—efficiency is defined as the rating of heating output of heating equipment compared to the amount of energy it consumes. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that a heating system with a higher efficiency rating will cost less to operate by default. A great example of this is when you’re comparing the AFUE ratings of an electric furnace to a gas furnace.

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The Danger of a Cracked Furnace Heat Exchanger

Monday, February 1st, 2021

It likely goes without saying for residents here in Maumee or one of the surrounding communities that it gets pretty dang cold in the winter! As such, you use your heater on a regular basis, counting on it to keep you comfortable as well as safe.

Did you have it professionally tuned-up before the winter season started? The good news is, that even if you answered “no” to this question the only time it’s too late is if your heater completely broke down and is beyond repair. Skipping maintenance even one year can leave you with surprise repair needs that will cost a lot and could even be dangerous.

One repair need to be especially aware of, if you have a gas-powered heater, is replacing a damaged heat exchanger (or replacing the whole system if the problem is severe enough). Look, gas-powered heaters on not inherently dangerous. But yours can absolutely become so if you neglect this vital component. Keep reading to learn more!

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4 Funny Furnace Noises (That Really Aren’t That Funny)

Monday, January 18th, 2021

It would be great for homeowners if there were an HVAC system that could self-diagnose when it was having a problem, and then even fix itself, right? While the former may be possible in the somewhat near future, we don’t think the latter will ever be a reality. And unfortunately, when there is a problem with your furnace, you’ll want to take care of it right away or else it could turn into a total system breakdown.

But how do you know when your furnace is struggling to operate?

Well, one of the leading signs that you have a furnace issue on your hands is strange noises coming from the system. What strange noises? Read on as we uncover 4 of them.

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Beware These Signs of Boiler Troubles

Monday, December 21st, 2020

You can only rely on your boiler to be as efficient as possible if you properly care for it, right? This starts with professional installation, continues on with calling for repairs when needed, and then also includes making sure you stay on top of your annual boiler maintenance services from our professionals.

Of course, it’s also important that you remember no matter how well you care for your boiler, you’ll eventually need repairs of some kind. Also, you have to know that eventually, the boiler will reach the end of its lifespan and you’ll need a replacement system.

But how do you know when it’s time for the latter? Are there signs to watch out for? Yes, there are! Read on to learn about them.

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“My Furnace Went Out, How Do I Stay Warm?”

Monday, December 7th, 2020

This is of course a scenario that no homeowner ever wants to face, but the fact of the matter is that it happens! You’re a lot less likely to face a sudden and unexpected need for furnace repair in Toledo, OH or one of the surrounding communities if you keep up on your maintenance sessions. Heating maintenance tune-ups allow our technicians to thoroughly inspect your system for problem areas, make adjustments as needed, and comprehensively clean the whole system.

This all helps the system work more effectively and efficiently. Plus, it prevents small repair needs from turning into major breakdown emergencies that lead to the subject of this post. We’re going to assume, though, that if you’ve come across this blog post you’re in need of some tips, now! First, be sure to give our team a call. We do have 24/7 emergency service available for situations like this. While you wait for our techs to show up, here’s what you can do to keep your household warm.

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What Actually Happens During Heating Maintenance?

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

If you’ve followed our blog for even just a few months, then you know we think maintenance is pretty important. After all, it’s the only way to make sure that your HVAC system runs as efficiently and effectively as possible for as long as possible. But, it’s one thing to be told you need HVAC maintenance every year. It’s another thing to be told why. And that’s what we’re here to do!

It does bear mentioning that there are some very basic heating maintenance tasks that homeowners can and should do on their own. One of them is to change the air filter as needed. The air filter that comes standard with your HVAC systems is in place not to protect your indoor air quality, but rather the system itself. If it gets too clogged up, it will restrict airflow and cause a host of problems. You should be changing out (or cleaning if it’s a permanent filter) the air filter every 1-3 months. Another maintenance task you can do is check to make sure there’s no debris around your system—dust, dirt, and any type of clutter can impact airflow and efficacy.

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It’s That Time: Why You Should Schedule an HVAC Tune-Up Now

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Once the calendar reaches October, fall is officially here. Temperatures might not drop right away (hey, Mother Nature can’t read the calendar) but soon enough we’ll be dealing with chillier weather, especially at night. This means that now is the perfect time for one very important HVAC service—your heating maintenance!

Wait, what’s that? You haven’t even thought about your heater very much? We appreciate your confidence that your heater is going to work just fine this fall and winter, but we’d encourage you to consider scheduling your next tune-up. Fall is really the best time to do this, since it’s before you need the system the most and when HVAC technicians are less likely to be busy with emergency service calls. Read on for a number of ways a heating tune-up benefits you.

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Why You Shouldn’t Rush a Furnace Installation

Monday, January 20th, 2020

This is no time of the year to be stuck without a fully effective heating system—but if you’ve come across this blog post, it probably means you’re in need of one, now. We get it—you want to just go out and get the first one you can find and put it in, but you shouldn’t purchase just any system nor should you rush a furnace installation. Why?

Well, there are a number of reasons. There is a great deal of work that goes into furnace installation, and a job done right not only keeps you comfortable and impacts the effectiveness of your heater, but it also protects your safety. Keep reading as we go over the steps our techs go through during your furnace installation. Then, you’ll understand why you need a trained and experienced professional for the job.

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Common Furnace Problems to Be Aware Of

Monday, January 6th, 2020

With our chilliest month upon us, it goes without saying that we all need our heaters to work as effectively and efficiently as possible.

And yours will! As long as you’ve kept up on your maintenance visits and followed up with recommended repairs. If you haven’t scheduled maintenance yet, it’s not too late. Yes, it is most ideal to schedule it in the early fall, before you need your furnace the most. But it’s more important that you schedule this service consistently—once a year—than it is the time of year you have it done.

Still though, even with maintenance, things can go wrong with your furnace—particularly if it’s aging or if it was poorly installed. Read on as we uncover some of the most common furnace problems we get called for and explanations for what’s happening.

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