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Air Conditioning Installation and Replacement Services

Give us a call today: 419-877-2942

Air conditioning systems are often too large and complex to be installed without proper training. If you’d like to maximize the longevity, efficiency, and power of your home air conditioning unit, then schedule an installation with AW Heating & Cooling in Maumee, OH.

  • Family owned and operated
  • Mitsubishi Diamond Preferred Contractor
  • 24-Hour Customer Support

We work hard to make sure each and every customer is satisfied with their new air conditioner. From simple central AC units to complex ductless heat pump systems, we can find the solution for you.

Contact AW Heating & Cooling in Maumee, OH for your next AC installation.


Why Your Air Conditioning Installation Services Are So Important

If you talk to an HVAC technician, you’ll probably hear them underscore the importance of your AC installation. After all, you could have the best AC unit that the market has to offer that’s perfect for your home’s size, space, and needs, but if you have the wrong AC installation services, your air conditioning system will never reach its full potential.

A botched air conditioning installation service will stunt the performance of your system. You shouldn’t ever try to perform an AC installation on your own or hire someone without the right qualifications. We’re all for being frugal, but these aren’t the proper means. Contact AW Heating & Cooling and we’ll help you find an AC that’s the right type for your budget and needs.

Signs That It’s Time for AC Replacement

Replacing an AC might not sound too exciting, but consider that your aging AC could be costing you more money just to run it. Here are the signs it’s time for replacement:

You Have a Frequent Need for Repairs: If you have to repair your air conditioning system frequently, that means that you’re putting far too much money into a system that’s already inefficient.

You Have High AC Bills: High bills mean low efficiency. It’s senseless to struggle with a system that’s clearly running under capacity.

Your AC Unit is Over the Age of 10: Even if your air conditioning system isn’t malfunctioning, AC systems can only last for a finite amount of time. As the unit ages, the repair and efficiency issues will only get worse.

Proudly Serving the Maumee, OH Area

Since 1997

AW Heating & Cooling