As winter creeps closer, it’s essential to ensure your home is ready to handle the cold. Your furnace is at the heart of keeping you warm and cozy, but like any machine, it needs regular attention to stay in top shape. Ignoring signs of trouble can lead to costly breakdowns or, worse, leave you without heat when you need it most. Knowing when to call for a furnace repair can save you time, money, and discomfort. Here are the top signs your furnace may need repair.
AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’
Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair: Don’t Wait Too Long
Monday, November 18th, 2024Heed These Spooky Signs You Need Furnace Repair
Monday, October 9th, 2023As Halloween approaches and the nights grow colder, it’s important to make sure that your furnace is in top-notch condition to keep your home warm and cozy. Just like ghostly apparitions, furnace issues can sneak up on you, causing discomfort and potentially leading to costly repairs–costs that could have been averted with proper maintenance and attention to detail. That extra money could be spent going towards things like more pumpkins and lawn decorations for the coming night of fright. Let’s take a look at a few signs that indicate you might need furnace repair in Perrysburg, OH before this Halloween!
The Last Thing a Furnace Owner Wants to Hear
Monday, November 21st, 2022It’s finally getting chilly again. With a blanket wrapped around, you head over to the furnace and finally give in: it’s time to turn the heat on for the season. You quickly find that no matter what, it won’t turn on. It’s time to run through a list of options before calling for furnace repair in Maumee, OH. Let’s troubleshoot this issue together and get your furnace back on ASAP.
“Help! My Furnace Won’t Turn On!”
Monday, February 14th, 2022
The powerful heat provided by your furnace is crucial to keeping your home comfortable in the colder months. It’s the dependable core of so much of what we do – all at the flick of a switch or a turn of a dial.
But if you’re reaching for the controls and finding your furnace won’t turn on, it’s natural you might feel a shiver down the spine – and not just because of the cold! Are you now going to have to pay out for repairs?
Luckily, it might not be that drastic – but try a few troubleshooting tips out first. The issue with your furnace might not be as serious as you think.
Noises No Furnace Owner Wants to Hear
Monday, January 17th, 2022
A good furnace can be relied on to keep you and your loved ones warm throughout the winter months.
Even the most advanced furnaces on the market today rely on a complex range of systems and mechanisms to run. That means occasional noises from your furnace are to be expected – a rush of air intake here, a hum as you turn up the heat there.
So far, so normal, and oh so comfortable. But there are some noises no furnace owner wants to hear, and these can indicate faults, harm, or even dangerous defects in your furnace. Catch them early, and you can nip the issue in the bud – here are the sounds to watch out for.
Signs That Your Furnace Needs Help
Monday, November 22nd, 2021
Do you sit around at home wondering if your furnace could break down at any moment? We certainly hope you don’t! Hopefully, you have your furnace professionally maintained each and every year in order to avoid an unpleasant surprise such as this. Hopefully, too, you know the signs of a furnace in disrepair so you can give us a call before it grows into a complete system breakdown.
Let’s say you don’t know those signs. Not to worry, we’re here to help!
First, we want to reiterate that the best way to defend against excessive repair needs is with professional maintenance. It doesn’t matter whether you have a gas-powered furnace or an electric one, you should schedule professional maintenance once a year (preferably in the fall). This can help you avoid up to 85% of the repair needs your furnace might ever need!
In the meantime, though, what are those signs we’re talking about? Read on!
How to Ensure Great Heating Efficiency This Season
Monday, October 25th, 2021
When the temperatures drop and you need to start using your heater again, it’s likely that you’d like to spend as little as possible on your energy needs, right? Heating systems do take up a large portion of energy and fuel. In fact, an electric HVAC system can account for half of all your energy use in your home.
Fortunately, there are some pretty simple steps you can take to improve heating efficiency, and therefore spend less this fall and winter. Read on to learn what they are.
4 Funny Furnace Noises (That Really Aren’t That Funny)
Monday, January 18th, 2021
It would be great for homeowners if there were an HVAC system that could self-diagnose when it was having a problem, and then even fix itself, right? While the former may be possible in the somewhat near future, we don’t think the latter will ever be a reality. And unfortunately, when there is a problem with your furnace, you’ll want to take care of it right away or else it could turn into a total system breakdown.
But how do you know when your furnace is struggling to operate?
Well, one of the leading signs that you have a furnace issue on your hands is strange noises coming from the system. What strange noises? Read on as we uncover 4 of them.
“My Furnace Went Out, How Do I Stay Warm?”
Monday, December 7th, 2020
This is of course a scenario that no homeowner ever wants to face, but the fact of the matter is that it happens! You’re a lot less likely to face a sudden and unexpected need for furnace repair in Toledo, OH or one of the surrounding communities if you keep up on your maintenance sessions. Heating maintenance tune-ups allow our technicians to thoroughly inspect your system for problem areas, make adjustments as needed, and comprehensively clean the whole system.
This all helps the system work more effectively and efficiently. Plus, it prevents small repair needs from turning into major breakdown emergencies that lead to the subject of this post. We’re going to assume, though, that if you’ve come across this blog post you’re in need of some tips, now! First, be sure to give our team a call. We do have 24/7 emergency service available for situations like this. While you wait for our techs to show up, here’s what you can do to keep your household warm.
Don’t Let Your Furnace Suffer from This Dangerous Problem
Monday, February 3rd, 2020
If you’re like most homeowners in our area, you use a furnace heating system to keep your living space warm during the winter. Gas-powered furnaces are the most popular type of residential heating system across the country, after all.
They not only produce a large amount of heat, but they do so at less expense than electric furnaces because natural gas costs less than electricity per unit.
However, natural gas appliances do come with a risk. That’s not to say they’re inherently dangerous. But if you skip maintenance or don’t keep up on small repair needs, problems can grow and you can end up with a dangerous situation on your hands. One of these possible situations is a cracked heat exchanger.