AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heater Repair’

Are You Experiencing Any of These Common Heating Problems?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Whether you’re using a gas furnace, electric heat pump, or some other type of central heating system, your heater is a complex piece of machinery. When caring for an appliance as important as this you are going to need one thing—professional help. Trained and experienced HVAC technicians, such as the folks on our team, will help ensure that your heating system runs as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible. We do this through professional and accurate installation, reliable repairs, and diligent maintenance.

Still though, even with all this, repair needs do crop up. No heating system is indestructible!

If you have a central heating system, but especially if you’re using a furnace, then this blog post is for you. Below, we have uncovered some signs that your furnace is suffering. These problems are relatively common—enough so that they’re what we get called for the most—so we can tell you what’s probably going on, and you can count on us to fix it. Read on!

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Heater Sounds You Shouldn’t Ignore

Monday, December 9th, 2019

When it comes to the holiday season, there are some common things you’ll hear—perhaps carolers traveling through your neighborhood, holiday music on your radio, toy and gift ads on the TV. What you shouldn’t be hearing, however, are strange and unfamiliar noises coming from your heating system.

Now, no heating system is silent. You’re going to hear it cycle on and off. If you have a ducted system, you’ll hear the ducts making a bit of noise as they expand and contract with the temperature fluctuations going through them. You’ll also, of course, hear the whoosh of air as the heat blows through your vents.

But you shouldn’t expect to hear much else beyond this. If you notice sounds you’ve never heard before or loud noises that just don’t seem normal, it’s likely time to give us a call. We’ve provided expert heating services since 1997, so we’re familiar with all types of issues. Keep reading as we delve into what types of sounds we’re referring to.

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