AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Sylvania’

One Key Way to Get Your Home Ready for Summer

Monday, April 26th, 2021

With temperatures warming up here soon, you might have come to the realization that it’s time to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner. Or perhaps you think since your air conditioner is working “just fine” this year, you can skip maintenance for once. We really want to encourage you to go ahead and schedule that appointment, though.

It’s never too late to get your AC tuned-up, and it’s never a bad idea to do so. There are many benefits to routine, professional maintenance.

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Heed These Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Help

Monday, April 12th, 2021

With spring officially here and summer not very far behind, you may be thinking about how you hope your air conditioner will make it through the warmer temperatures without any trouble. After all, who wants an interruption to their home comfort on the hottest of our summer days? There’s no way you can completely guarantee your system won’t struggle this season, though you can certainly reduce the risk by scheduling professional AC maintenance. This allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it, all of which can prevent up to 85% of the repair needs a system might ever need in its lifespan.

But that doesn’t eliminate all repair needs. Regardless of maintenance, you should ensure that you know the signs of a struggling air conditioner. The sooner you can spot indicators and give our team a call, the quicker we can help your air conditioner get back to business. Read on as we uncover some of these common indicators!

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4 Funny Furnace Noises (That Really Aren’t That Funny)

Monday, January 18th, 2021

It would be great for homeowners if there were an HVAC system that could self-diagnose when it was having a problem, and then even fix itself, right? While the former may be possible in the somewhat near future, we don’t think the latter will ever be a reality. And unfortunately, when there is a problem with your furnace, you’ll want to take care of it right away or else it could turn into a total system breakdown.

But how do you know when your furnace is struggling to operate?

Well, one of the leading signs that you have a furnace issue on your hands is strange noises coming from the system. What strange noises? Read on as we uncover 4 of them.

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Signs You Need Late-Season AC Repairs

Monday, September 28th, 2020

It may officially be fall, and it may almost be time to shut down our air conditioners for the season, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore cooling system problems if you have them. In fact, doing so could leave you with a completely broken down system next spring when you need it the most.

Basically, the longer you wait to service your cooling system, the more you increase your chances of experiencing HVAC problems. This is especially true if your air conditioner shares ductwork with your furnace, or if you have a heat pump that you’ll be using for heating in addition to cooling.

So what can you do? Watch for signs of AC trouble and ensure you call our team if you notice any of the following issues!

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Energy and Money Saving Tips for Summer

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Summer is here! This means that if you aren’t already, you’re going to be using your air conditioner on a very regular basis. And you may like to know how you can use it in a way that will cost you as little as possible. Of course, AC usage is going to make your energy bills rise, but they don’t need to skyrocket (and if they do it might be a sign something is wrong with your air conditioner)

The good news is, there are a number of things you can do to boost your air conditioning efficiency and therefore keep cooling costs down. Keep reading as we uncover some of the most cost-effective ways to improve your cooling performance and efficiency.

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